Heavy Metal Detox

best heavy metal detox

Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy Metals (or elemental heavy metal) are a type of metallic substance that is toxic to human health and can cause all types of brain, nervous system, immune system and poisoning symptoms. Doing a Heavy Metal Detox safely and effectively gets rid of these heavy metals naturally. Certain metals are safe and even necessary to human health, like small amounts of magnesium, iron, manganese, copper and sliver to name a few. Toxic heavy metals include metals like sodium fluoride, mercury, lead, arsenic (most of the ingredients you find in prescription medicines and vaccines.)

These are metals that are toxic to human health in anything more than very small quantities. Heavy metals are pretty much everywhere in our daily lives. You need to do a Heavy Metal Detox so you can clear up a lot of “mystery” conditions in your body that are not commonly diagnosed, particularly skin issues, headaches, lowered immunity, brain fog and low energy. They are in our drinking water (if you drink tap, bottled or other fluoridated water), toothpaste, prescription medicines, in our light bulbs, thermometers, paint, household chemicals and even in vaccines (mercury, thimersol, aluminum and graphene oxide.)


The problem is not only are they toxic, and usually to your brain, nervous system, DNA, and immune system, but is that they accumulate (get stuck) in your body. Particularly in your organs and fat cells, slowly poisoning you and damaging all your cells. It is important for your brain and immune system to Heavy Metal Detox from brain and body safely and effectively so you don't get heavy metals detox symptoms while they come up. There is a way to Heavy Metal Detox naturally and safely as you will discover below..

what is a heavy metal

What Are Heavy Metals?

What are Heavy Metals? Toxic heavy metals are those metals that destroy you brain (Alzheimer's) shut off your immune system (Immune Disorders) accumulate in your joints (Arthritis) and even cause cancer? There are many types of heavy metals and some can be more tolerable and beneficial like zinc, iron, copper, colloidal silver and even colloidal gold if you only ingest them occasionally. Even they can build up in your body and cause hormone and immune system challenges. Here is a list of heavy metals. the most common toxic heavy metals that can cause you to get really sick and damage your health:

  • Mercury
  • Lead
  • Arsenic
  • Graphene Oxide (heavy metal concentrator)
  • Cadmium
  • Chromium
  • Radiation 
  • Beryllium
  • Aluminum
  • Barium
  • Chromate
  • Benzene
  • Chlorides
  • Arsenic
  • Thallium
  • Antimony
  • Platinum
  • Tin
  • Nickel

Many of these are common in our environments and we need to be really safe around them or risk ill health or departure. Compact Fluorescent Bulbs are everywhere now days. If the break you can inhale in this toxic metal into your lungs and can cause severe problems. If you have those types of mercury fillings, get them out safely! See a holistic dentist and have them replace them with safer and better looking ones. Use Zeolite, before and after so you don't get sick when you get them removed as many people do as it is a very effective way to Heavy Metal Detox naturally.

heavy metals cleanse

Toxic Heavy Metals

Some heavy metals are toxic to the human body and cause genetic damage and cancer. Toxic Heavy Metals are the ones you need to avoid and detox from. Radiation is actually another form of heavy metal. Your body accumulates those metals and they are stored in your organs, brain, joints, skin and fat cells. Eventually they harm your immune system, and cause many illnesses like arthritis, Parkinson's disease, dementia, memory problems, nervousness, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, restless leg, liver disease and even organ failure.


You find these toxic heavy metals in your dentist office (mercury amalgam fillings, sodium fluoride, x-rays), in the water you drink and bathe in, and in the prescription medicines and vaccines you are encouraged (or forced) to take. It's always best to limit exposure as much as you can, and do periodic detoxes to keep these toxic heavy metals out of your body. Doing a zeolite based heavy metal detox can help you feel much better, physically as well as mentally, usually in a day or two. You will most likely even lose a few pounds by doing the heavy metals detox. So what are the heavy metals detox metals that you should avoid and detox from?

Heavy Metal poisoning

Heavy Metal Poisoning

Heavy Metal Poisoning has become a very big problem that we all must do something about before we damage our environment and health. These toxic heavy metals are increasingly dumped into our drinking water supplies, like toxic fluoride which is a by product of aluminum processing. And no, it does not help with your teeth, it actually causes dental fluorosis and is not safe at any dose!


Recently, it's a big problem as big corporations dump these heavy metal chemicals into water supplies and don't get caught. In Flint, Michigan now there is so much lead in the water that it is poisoning the people by the thousands. I actually have a friend there that was very ill because of this and she is now recovering by using the methods you find below here. Along with getting a heavy metal water filter. If you live anywhere in the world that is industrialized, I highly recommend you do Heavy Metal Detox so you don't accumulate them in your brain and body (leads to dementia and other brain and immune system disorder.). 

symptoms of heavy metal poisoning

Heavy Metal Toxicity Symptoms

There are signs and symptoms of heavy metal toxicity that you can usually tell that you've been exposed to an excess of heavy metals. Here are the most common heavy metal toxicity symptoms that people are currently reporting:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • mental confusion,
  • pain in muscles and joints,
  • headaches,
  • short-term memory loss,
  • gastrointestinal upsets,
  • food allergies
  • vision problems,
  • chronic fatigue
  • general weakness
  • nose bleeds

If you are experiencing any of these see your local physician as soon as you can. Here  is an article that shows the whole level of heavy metals poisoning symptoms. Hopefully you can find a holistic doctor that can help you heal safely. Detoxing is highly recommended as soon as you can. You can restore your health and cut your risks of serious illness by doing a regular heavy metal detox.

Heavy Metal Test

Heavy Metal Testing

You can do a Heavy Metal Testing at home with the Professional MyLab Heavy Metal Test Kit (pictured above.) You don't have to guess or wonder how much of your life is being affected by the heavy metals in your food, drinks and environment, you can know for sure! Nothing is better than knowing for sure so you don't have to visit your doctor for mystery illnesses, which are mostly caused by toxins like heavy metals and viruses.


Your health is your true wealth, because if you're too sick or tired to enjoy life fully you'll soon discover that money can't buy everything. A little peace of mind is better than anxiety or constant worry. Test and see if you have heavy metals, gluten intolerance or even viruses and you can take the necessary steps to start enjoying a life without chronic illness. Do a heavy metal detox if you have moderate or high levels of heavy metals in your blood or hair.



How to Remove Heavy Metals from the Body

How to Remove Heavy Metals from the Body naturally. You can you protect your body by doing a regular Natural Heavy Metal Detox and that will detox heavy metals from brain and body. There are specific natural plants, herbs and minerals that trap and absorb toxic heavy metals from your body while not causing them to release into your bloodstream. If they did when you detoxed you'd get very sick or even become mortally ill.


I took these as a heavy metal detox before I got my toxic mercury amalgam fillings removed (a whole mouth full) and didn't even get a headache. If you are using a fluoride toothpaste consider upgrading to a fluoride free toothpaste. If you are drinking tap water don't! They are filled with heavy metals that accumulate in your brain, shut off your immune system, cause infections in your body and zap your health!


Always drink filtered water (get a pure effect water filter because it removes toxic sodium fluoride, heavy metals like lead, mercury, flushed pharmaceuticals and vaccine ingredients, radiation (it has a zeolite filter in it) and leaves the water a healthy alkaline ph. Below is the best natural method to Heavy Metal Detox from brain and body..

zeolite pure

Best Heavy Metal Detox

Here is The Best Heavy Metal Detox.  Detoxing heavy metal starts with your organs which store toxins, your liver, your kidneys, and your thyroid can hold on to them until they get clogged up. You need to flush them out so they can do their job in keeping you healthy.

  • Zeolite Powder – The best natural zeolite supplement. Protects and detoxes from  radiation and toxic heavy metal poisoning and exposure. Best way to Heavy Metal Detox from the body and brain
  • Cellular Detox Veda Detoxes toxins out of your body from your liver and stored body fat.
  • Peak Biome – Is a professional GI tract cleanser that helps flush the toxins that are being released from your body, particularly works well with zeolite and EDTA to remove toxins from your body.
  • Liver Support Plus is a natural blend of herbs that detox and help regenerate your liver and Cleanse that gets the pesticides and chemicals out of your liver
  • C60 or Carbon 60 is one of the most potent natural anti aging supplements ever discovered. It is the Most Potent Antioxidant, Antiaging and Radiation Neutralizer C60 infused with olive oil increases your lifespan and is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and protects the nucleus of your cells DNA from free radical damage and radiation damage including nuclear, EMF or EMR radiation from cellular and Wi-Fi devices. It also protects and can help prevent metabolic syndrome, diabetes, weight gain, inflammation, osteoarthritis and nerve damage that can cause ADD, ADHD, Autism, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Epilepsy, Huntington's, Parkinson's, Seizures and other neurological conditions. It prevents and can reverse UV damage (a major cause of aging and skin cancers.) It is also a natural immune system protector and booster.
  • Zeolite Pure – The best natural supplement against radiation and toxic heavy metal poisoning and exposure. Best way to Heavy Metal Detox from the body and brain
  • 5G EMF Protection – 5G is has a shorter distance (like a microwave oven) but more penetrating. That's why you see 5G towers everywhere because they need to be closer to your devices (and body) to penetrate and be received by the metallic reactors (you on graphene oxide and heavy metals.) You need to shield it away from you and block it out!.
  • Pure Effect Water Filters – These water filters have zeolite in them so they can absorb radiation particles, heavy metal particles, as well as viruses! Chemtrail residues are now in our water supply as it’s sprayed into our tap water source. This filter absorbs heavy metals, including radiation and fluoride, glyphosates, chloramines, chemtrail chemicals, PCB’s, Morgellons's fibers, superbug viruses. Get it out of Your drinking water!

Use any combination of the above herbs and natural supplements to cleanse and Heavy Metal Detox, pesticides and radiation safely out of your body. Restore your health and feel the benefits in a day or two. Very powerful way to clear your body and mind, and even drop a few pounds!

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